Merchant GMAT & Admissions

GMAT Verbal: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

Written by Merchant GMAT | 3/17/23 8:00 PM

GMAT Verbal: How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

Are you a prospective MBA student or someone who’s planning to take the GMAT? If so, one of the most daunting aspects of your journey is likely to be your verbal skills exam. Scoring well on this part of the test can be difficult and require intense preparation. However, there are strategies that you can employ that will help make studying for the GMAT Verbal section easier — use our guide and learn how to study smarter, not harder! We will show you which topics you should focus on and provide guidance on proven methods to reduce stress while preparing for the exam and maximize success. With these tips in hand, improving your verbal score doesn’t have to seem like a mountain too steep to climb. Get ready; now let's get started!

Identify your weaknesses and focus on them first

When taking GMAT exams, it is essential to first recognize your strengths and weaknesses so that you can adequately allocate time and effort towards the topics that need more studying. For example, if you are having trouble understanding how to answer the questions in the Verbal Reasoning section of the GMAT exam, it may be beneficial to start with that area first. Spend most of your allotted GMAT prep time on honing your skills in the problem areas and you will see a great improvement in success during test day.  Identifying your weaknesses allows you to plan ahead and strategize your GMAT study sessions in a way that is tailored to your individual needs. This increases the likelihood of test success while simultaneously helping you gain valuable knowledge along the way.

Formulate a study plan and stick with it

Preparing for the GMAT exam can be overwhelming, but it is possible with a detailed study plan. Be sure to identify any areas that need improvement and focus on those first. Also, allocate an appropriate amount of time each day to studying. It may take some trial-and-error before you find a routine that works best for you, but once you do strive to remain consistent in following your plan. In terms of Verbal Reasoning, it is important to practice reading and comprehension skills. Developing confidence in these areas will help you feel more comfortable when testing day arrives. Ultimately, creating and following strict guidelines will ensure success while preparing for the GMAT exam and beyond.

Break down difficult concepts into manageable chunks

Breaking down difficult concepts into manageable chunks is an essential skill for any student looking to succeed in their studies. It allows you to take complex ideas and break them down into smaller pieces that are easier to understand. This process can be done through a variety of different methods; for example, by summarizing main points or creating diagrams of relationships between concepts. Furthermore, it can help to research the topic in more detail in order to get a better understanding, as well as speaking with other students about the concept. By breaking complicated topics down into smaller pieces, students will be able to develop better comprehension and retain information more effectively.

Practice, practice and practice - use online resources or take sample tests to get familiar with the format of the GMAT

Taking sample tests is a great way for prospective GMAT test-takers to get an understanding of the exam format, structure, and question types. With sample tests from official GMAT online resources, a person can put their knowledge to the test while learning how to manage their time efficiently during the actual test-taking experience. In addition to taking sample tests, individuals can also review free preparation materials like guidelines and tips for the Quantitative, Verbal, and Analytical Writing Assessment sections in order to sharpen their skills. Allowing oneself ample time for practice and strategy development is key to success on the GMAT; mastering the exam format ahead of time will only increase one's chances for achieving the desired test results.

Make use of study groups to brush up on concepts you may have missed

Joining a study group can be an effective way to reinforce concepts that were missed in the original lecture. It provides a forum for students to collectively review topics, ask questions, and provide helpful insights on how to approach subject material. It also offers an opportunity for students to become active participants in their own learning process by sharing examples and experiences with each other. By engaging in conversations with peers who are interested in the same topic, you can obtain feedback on your understanding of complicated ideas and information. Ultimately, taking advantage of study groups will help you gain a better understanding of concepts within your course material while encouraging the development of lasting relationships between classmates.

Learn from mistakes - don't be afraid to make mistakes as this will help you understand material better

Making mistakes is a natural part of learning, so don't be afraid when you make an error. In fact, the ability to err and then understand why something was wrong can actually make it easier to remember the right material. If you take the time to go back after making a mistake and figure out where you went wrong, it will help you strengthen your overall comprehension of the subject. We all make mistakes at some point or another as we work towards better understanding; don't be discouraged by any errors that happen along the way - instead, use them for opportunities for growth.

Preparing for the GMAT is a long and sometimes daunting journey. To maximize your chances of success, it is important to identify your weaknesses first and develop a study plan that will work for you. Remember to break down more difficult concepts into smaller chunks and practice – online resources can be an excellent way to increase your familiarity with the test’s format. Additionally, struggling with some concepts or missing something? Don’t be afraid to reach out to others who may have similar weakness – study groups can be invaluable here. Finally, remember that making mistakes is essential in order to fully understand a concept. So don’t let the fear of making mistakes hold you back – learn from them instead! You can begin your GMAT preparation journey today with expert coaching from Merchant GMAT & Admissions. Good luck on your GMAT journey!