Merchant GMAT & Admissions

From Confusion to Clarity: Demystifying GMAT Critical Reasoning

Written by Merchant GMAT | 3/20/23 8:00 PM

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is an essential part of applying to most business schools, so it's important to understand exactly what it entails and how to tackle it effectively. One area that often causes confusion for test takers is Critical Reasoning (CR) on the GMAT - but never fear! In this blog post we'll provide insights into demystifying critical reasoning questions and tackling them with confidence. We’ll give advice from experienced tutors as well as provide practical solutions based on real-life examples so that you can feel empowered on exam day. Let's get started by looking at some basic tips and tricks!

What is GMAT Critical Reasoning and why it's important

The GMAT consists of several sections, including the CR section. This portion of the exam tests a student's ability to comprehend the author’s reasoning and the argument behind a given passage and quickly draw logical conclusions. The questions often present an argument that must be evaluated for assumptions, implications, or statements of fact. Understanding these various facets is essential for many professions that involve making quick decisions based on data analysis and presenting strong evidence-based arguments. As such, GMAT CR is an essential part of aspiring business professionals' preparations on their journey towards earning their MBA.

Different types of questions found in GMAT Critical Reasoning

The GMAT CR section is designed to assess a variety of skills, including evaluation and analysis. Questions in this section can range from inference questions to assumption questions, or even questions that ask you to identify flaws in an argument or conclusions reached. There are also questions that assess strengthening and weakening of arguments. Each type of question will require a slightly different approach, so it is important for test takers to familiarize themselves with the various types to improve their chances for success on this portion of the exam.

Key skills and strategies needed to tackle GMAT Critical Reasoning questions

Accurately solving GMAT CR questions requires skilled and efficient problem-solving abilities. Because the GMAT is a timed exam, it is important to read questions carefully but quickly and answer them promptly. A successful examiner must use sophisticated strategies to analyze the argument within the question, and recognize clues to determine the validity of its premises. To reach an accurate conclusion, one should ask themselves whether each statement in the text is supported by evidence or logical reasoning and identify underlying assumptions made from each statement. This questioning process can be further supplemented with prep courses that offer practice sample tests to refine observation skills and sharpen effective problem-solving approaches. Taking into consideration all of these key steps before beginning the test will best prepare any candidate for success in GMAT CR questions.

Common mistakes that test-takers make when attempting these questions

Taking any kind of test can be stressful, and that stress can lead to test-takers making careless mistakes. Common pitfalls when attempting questions on tests include not reading the question thoroughly and rushing through your answers, misinterpreting what is being asked, or not paying close attention to directions. Test-takers should take the time to review their answers carefully and read each question over slowly before selecting an answer. Additionally, it is important to avoid guessing randomly if you are unsure about an answer; instead, use processes like logical elimination to find the best possible choice. 

Tips to minimize mistakes and increase your performance in Critical Reasoning

Improving your performance in any part of a test can be difficult, but the key is to keep practicing and using strategies to make sure that you are mastering the concepts. One tip to prevent making mistakes in this specific section is to take small breaks during your studying, so that you can review what you have learned and retain it better. Additionally, think aloud as you go along (but not too loudly!) as this can aid in processing information. Another way to improve performance is by focusing on understanding the material rather than memorizing facts and details; once an understanding has been developed, the facts will be remembered more easily. Finally, remember to not rush through questions; identify tricky ones and come back when your head is clearer and your strategies have been refreshed.

How to practice GMAT Critical Reasoning effectively and efficiently

Preparation for the GMAT CR section is essential for acing the exam. One effective way of practicing is to first read through the passage and get an overview of the argument being made. Then, focus on the question stem and familiarize yourself with what type of answer it's asking for. Next, try breaking down the question stem into smaller, simpler components in order to better understand what information it's looking for and how that relates to the argument presented in the passage. This critical thinking can be honed by solving practice questions specifically related to Critical Reasoning - reading explanations of why a certain option was right or wrong to better understand the logic behind it can help you solidify your approach. Finally, timing your attempts at practice questions can keep you in shape when taking the actual exam. Overall, practicing GMAT CR requires one to approach each individual question logically while simultaneously keeping track of time.

GMAT CR is a cornerstone of the GMAT exam and one of the key assessment areas for any business school application. Knowing what skills and strategies are needed to work with this type of question, as well as being aware of common mistakes so that you can avoid them, is key for anyone hoping to increase their performance in this section. On top of this, taking some time to practice with GMAT CR questions properly can boost your test-taking confidence immensely.  So whether you are new or experienced to the World of GMAT CR, there are plenty of routes open to help and support you along on your journey to success. If you feel overwhelmed by GMAT CR questions and don’t know where to start, Merchant GMAT & Admissions provides personalized advice and assistance tailored specifically for you – get in touch today!